
Queen 💕 • 26•#1 due April '21💙👣

Here I am at CD 1 again. My period was 4 days late, making my cycle 32 days. All apps even the one I’ve been using for years to track said I was late. I didn’t think that I was pregnant at first. I thought, there is no way I could have been this lucky.. nothing lucky ever happens to me... then I was late. Of course I got my hopes up. I did all the wishing and hoping. I thought this is it we did it. Then yesterday I got that feeling. Before my period I always get this dull feeling in my gut. I know it all too well. I don’t really get any other symptoms and a don’t even cramp every time.... I guess I’m just discouraged and frustrated. My best friend was also so sure I was pregnant... 😪😩😭 but I’m not giving up, only one month in... I haven’t even started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> or anything... I figure I’ll give it a few months to “naturally” happen. But I am still in a depressed state.... not really just about my period, but AF showing today definitely didn’t help..... I just want a baby 😭😭😭

Well baby dust to everyone TTC, especially those who started CD 1 with me today! This is our month!!! ✨✨🤞🏽✨✨