His mom tells him to break up with me??


Okay, this is a long story but I’ll sum it up the best that I can.

My boyfriend and I have been together since January, so is fairly new. In October, my ex came back into my life and ended up sexually abusing me. I have a restraining order against him but that didnt stop him. I didn’t come forth about any of it until January publicly, but I did tell my boyfriend about it before we even started dating. Well one of the times my ex abused me, I noticed a few ulcers. He said it was from his belt rubbing so I believed him. Fast forward to last week, I got probably 10 of those same looking ulcers and suspected it was herpes. My doctor confirmed it and I told my boyfriend. We had had sex with a condom before I knew I had anything, but obviously stopped when my outbreak came.

Right after I found out and told my boyfriend, he called his mom to tell her. Keep in mind, he had (and still has) no signs of the disease. She instantly told him that he had to tell me that he can’t handle this situation anymore and begged him to break up with me. Saying I was a slut and all of these horrific things, when I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t ask for sex with my ex, let alone to contact this incurable disease. Ever since then, he’s been so weird with me. He hasn’t broken up with me, but he acts like he wants to. I’ve tried telling him that he doesn’t have to stay for pity or because he could potentially have it, but he won’t break up with me. He’s coming home from college this weekend and I asked him to hang out and he said “not sure we can do that. She’d flip out if I asked. She’s still upset.” We’re 20 years old, I don’t get why he even had to run to her to begin with. Especially since it wasn’t his story to tell.

What do I do? She knows the story of what happened and she’s still treating me like I’m a huge slut for this. I like him a lot, but I don’t know how to move forward with her hating me. Any advice is greatly appreciated, even if it’s harsh.

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