Check this out 😂

Veilomani • Mommy to Aveolela K Manu💛03/05/2019🤞🏽💕

Okay, weird question... idk why I’m laughing while typing this😂 so I had this cold sore on my tongue, idk if that’s what it’s really called? It’s where on the side of your tongue one of your taste buds is white and hurts when you eat or when your teeth or something touches it. ANYWAYS! It’s 6 AM and I’m sitting here eating donuts cause I’ve been craving them. All of a sudden.....

ITS GONE!!! Did I swallow it?! Or did it just pop?! I’m so scared that if I swallowed it, it’ll do something to baby or idk😂

Someone please help with more info on this or I’m just being crazy 😂