Finally got my BFP!!

Kate • Law Enforcement Wife 💙 Mama to 2 fur babies 🐶 5/2019 👼🏼 Praying for our rainbow 🌈

After 2 years of TTC and 1 failed round of

<a href="">IVF</a> last year, we had decided to take a break from trying. I stopped tracking everything and we actually just started to enjoy being intimate again, without the pressure of getting pregnant. The only thing I did start doing this month was using Young Living essential oils to support my hormone balance, that’s it. AF was supposed to arrive Monday but didn’t, so yesterday morning I decided to test just to keep myself from going crazy. I was totally prepared to see a BFN like every other time, but the test turned positive immediately!! I, of course, then had to go out and buy like $50 worth of HPTs just to be sure. I’m in total shock. I never thought I’d get to post a BFP story. I couldn’t wait for my husband to get home to tell him! I had ordered these Ohio State baby things 2 years ago when we first started trying.