Friendzoned him in my mind or what? I'm so confused😔


My bf and I have been dating for almost 6 months now...we haven't done anything sexual (I told him I would like to wait a while). We have been best friends since we were literally 2 lol. He is seriously the sweetest guy ever and he treats me like a princess...but when I start thinking about it. I cant imagine us having sex. Like the thought of him fingering me and me doing stuff to him just seems odd kind of😕 is this normal bc weve been best friends for so long orrr? I dont want to break up with him but I'm super confused on whether or not I'm sexually attracted to him🤦🏽‍♀️ (I did think kissing him was going to be so weird but he's one of the best kissers I've kissed🤤😍...could it be the same thing w sex?)

Also..I know it shouldnt matter. But he's a virgin and that kind of freaks me out. Ive been with other people and what if I dont make his first time perfect and he's disappointed😔

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