Should i test?


Im CD20, 10dpo and starting at 5dpo is when nausea started coming but i didnt throw up. Back pain progressed then i randomly got sick sinus and cold like i still have stuffy and runny nose and since about 6dpo ive had milky discharge(was a lot) now its there but not as much. On the 24th and 25th i threw up in the morning and now today when i woke up i was going to cook and saw a pan that needed to be washed and instantly felt nauseous ran to the restroom threw up but had nothing in my tummy. Then i relaxed a bit made breakfast, i ate and the second i got up from the table you guessed it my breakfast came back up. I want to test but i dont know if its too early. My doctor told me to test on the 4th of march.

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