Over it



There’s one woman at work (I work at a private school so all women coworkers) who whenever she sees me she has something to say. Let me start with, I am plus sized and I ALWAYS have been. That being said, I’ve always had a figure, fuller of course but I’ve always had a definable waist line, I carry my weigh evenly all over so wasn’t ever like overly big in one area. So much as just being a thicker girl. This woman. WVERY TIME she sees me says something that makes me want to 1) cry 2) slap her. A few months ago it was “oh you like actually pregnant and not just fat anymore” LIKE WTF. and comments like that until now. Today. I’m already over emotional I’m 31 weeks pregnant feel down anyway because my body is changing and I don’t feel as attractive (as much as my husband does his best to make me feel beautiful and all that) but I woke up this morning looked in the mirror and was like “oh okay good day I’m liking what I see”. Go to work and she’s Like the first person I see. First words out of her mouth “aww your belly is pointing more out so you can see a little bit of a waist coming in, not so round all around anymore” 🙄 don’t really say anything back. Then goes to “oh hunny make sure you’re doing your hair and looking pretty for husband and taking time to please him because you don’t want to lose his interest” bitch first off we fucked in the shower last night. Don’t. And then “oh your face is slimming down a little too, thank god you aren’t so round anymore” SHE HAS THREE CHILDREN WHY DOES SHE THINK THIS IS OKAY? I’m sorry, I needed to vent somewhere 🙄