I need your help

I found out on the 22nd of this month that my husband went to a brothel and cheated on me this is the first time this has happened in the 6 years we have been together now I am happy he told me the day after but I am literally heart broken I can't fathom why he would do it while away on a business trip when he has'ent done it before and this was over in Bangkok and there everywhere over there any ways I wanna know if you ladies can give me some questions I can ask him as my brain is so muddled atm that I can't even think straight I am just going by pure routine right now with our two kids I am so lost and heart broken he doesn't want to lose me so he has suggested we go to couples counciling which I have already made arrangements for plz if you can help and give me some questions to ask him that would be a really big help thank you