
Emilee • 👶🏼03-03-2017 👼🏼23 week angel Olivia 1/4/19 👼🏼 8 week angel 5/8/19 Trying for my miracle rainbow baby 🥰

Looking for people who have had faint lines like this one and what their end result was.

Back story: we lost our daughter at 23 weeks on January 4th. I started my period February 4th. I took a test once my period was done to be sure all HCG was gone and it was negative.

I ovulated late, I logged that into glow and she didn’t change my period prediction. According to my period prediction today is the first day I could test and this is my result. It is SO faint and the pink is not translating in photos.

According to the Clear Blue “when can I test” calculation they say Friday is the earliest.