Mini pill - feedback, experiences


Hi everyone! Long post. Not sure if this is the best place for this, but I cant locate a previous post I thought I read about this. Cross posting in a few groups.

I'm 9 weeks PP, finally went to my appointment Monday. I am exclusively breastfeeding so birth control options are limited so as not to impact that. I feel like I do not know enough about implants, I just feel so uncomfortable with the idea of them and possible (serious and unlikely) side effects. However, I also did NOT like being on birth control and am not looking forward to being on the pill again. My doctor did not really have much to say on the matter, I feel like I should have prepared more for the appointment.

Anyway, she prescribed Camila - progestin only mini pill. Does anyone have any experience with this? She said it's only 85 percent effective and the only way to get closer to 100% is to also use condoms. Not exactly looking forward to that 😏i mean at that point might as well just use condoms. I'm so frustrated with all the options. Plus everything I read online says it's much more effective than that so long as you take it the same time each day.

So LONG story short. Does anyone have any experience with this pill? Any comment on side effects, effectiveness, etc.? I appreciate anything you can share.