
It happened again tonight, I triggered a pet peeve that set him off. It started off with yelling, then it turned into cursing, now I find myself being called a fat ass, selfish bitch, lazy, all the things that I’ve heard before. I look down in shame and see the ring on my finger that was supposed to declare his love for me and the tears began to involuntary stream down my cheeks. I loose myself in thoughts but can still hear his voice, the name calling continues I’m feeling less and less of a person and the tears continue. It finally stops but I still feel the words stinging. I decide to get in the shower and start scrubbing until my skin is red, and then purple trying to wash away this hurt I feel. It doesn’t work and I begin to helplessly sob, I take another thirty minutes or so scrubbing away until I accept the fact that it wasn’t going to work. I get out wrap my towel around me glance in the mirror and fall to the bathroom floor sobbing. It’s been about 2 hours now and I feel numb I stand up look at the person in the mirror, her face is swollen from crying she looks distraught. I stare at her for about ten minutes and then I’m able to whisper the words “you are worthy, you are beautiful” to her as I see her eyes are beginning to water. Now she’s laying in bed head hurting, eyes swollen almost shut but she’s strong and she’ll get through...