Friend I hooked up with ghosting me.

I’ve been friends with this one dude from college for a while and we ended up hooking up and all earlier this month. I had just come out of a long relationship so I obviously didn’t wanna move as fast as he did so I didn’t mess it up. We would talk every day and night and he even sent me flowers on Valentine’s Day from wherever he was stationed in the military. I was slowly but surely falling in love. Last week, he texted me saying that he just thinks we should be friends. He said he wanted to focus on everything going on in his life atm and he just thinks he’s not ready to for a committed relationship. We ft after and talked about it and he said he had to think about it more. So he did and stuck to what he said and said he needs to focus more on his relationship with god because he lost it when he came back home. I was honestly so shocked because it happened so fast. I know he’s not lying about what he said. So for the past 4 days, we’ve been snapping here and there and sending each other a few memes on insta every day. Today, I asked him if he was okay because I just wanted to make sure everything’s good and our friendship is good. He literally opened my snaps about it and never replied. When he first told me all of this I worried about it constantly and would always ask him stupid questions and stuff. Now I’m not sure if I pushed him over the edge. This is exactly what I didn’t want to do and I’m afraid I did again. I don’t wanna message him again because I’m afraid I’ll make it worse, but at the same time I don’t want to just let it be because we both agreed to be good friends again. I’ve literally been so stressed about this whole situation and I just don’t know what to do?