Daycare Probz

So my daughter started daycare this week, and I’m already kind of upset she has to be in daycare in the first place. She has a few delays and is very peculiar in her daily routine. One of the things she does is she won’t eat unless I am playing a cartoon for her on my phone. She never ate well even before I started playing the cartoons. They work, she eats well and it’s not a problem.

My problem comes when I explain to her daycare several times that she won’t eat without having a cartoon playing. She has delays (she’s 19 months so technically right now there is no Autism diagnosis). I explain everything thoroughly to anyone watching her and it’s never been an issue. Upon picking her up from her first day at daycare I ask how she did.

They tell me everything was fine, she had a good day but she didn’t eat for them. Great 🙄 So once more I tell them she will not eat without having her cartoons. I even put an iPhone in her diaper bag even... they tell me “Yeah well we can’t do that.”

So do I keep sending her to a daycare that can’t accommodate her needs and make her eat? She was acting so lethargic and tired when I picked her up, I felt terrible. I tried to get her to eat as soon as we got home, but she was too tired and just wanted to sleep. Which means it was now 5 P.M. and the only thing she ate was the breakfast I fed her before daycare.

Should I say something to the head lady in charge again? Do I switch daycares and pull her out of this one immediately? Please share your thoughts.