MMC 2/6/19, wanting to TTC

Mercedes • Mom to Silas 9-21-20 💙 one 👼🏻 in the sky 2/8/19.

On the 6th I started bleeding a little and went to the hospital and my levels were only 101, and I should have been at least 5-6 weeks, but I had a scan done the day before where a sac only measuring about 4 weeks was seen. The bleeding increased and I went back in on the 8th to have my levels rechecked and they had dropped to 13. My bleeding had slowed down and stopped by the 10th or so. Other than having bigger clots and more intense cramps than normal, I’d say the miscarriage was like my normal period almost. I didn’t have a lot of bleeding in my opinion, barely got any on the pads (probably cause I kept going to the bathroom a lot cause I’d start to feel “squishy” (tmi, sorry)). I know my boyfriend and I should be waiting till after at least one cycle, but I have PCOS, so for me it’s hard to know when my next cycle might even happen. On average I could go from just a few days later (I was almost 3 weeks late when we had finally found out I was pregnant (I blame it on late O), to up to even 3-4 months late, once even being 6 months late. We are both sad that we miscarried, but we also feel ready to try again already. I’ve wanted a baby for years and now that I’m a good age to be starting to have a baby, I desperately want a baby. The biggest reason why I’m posting about this, is because I’m wondering if any of you or anyone you know, has been in a similar position and got pregnant before the start of your first cycle and had healthy pregnancies and babies to follow? And please no hate or lectures about how we should be waiting to ttc, thank you ❤️

Baby dust for your rainbows 🌈 💕

“If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever” - Not sure who said this.