

I thought I was 7 weeks because i misscarried and started bleeding January the 10th yo about the 16th my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> estimated my next period at February 15th. Well af didn’t arrive so that night I took a test and there was a BFP!! So from my app I estimate 7 weeks and a few days but when I went to the dr they measured the sac and yolk at 5 weeks 4 days today. Did I just ovulate late? Did it stop growing... I didn’t get any answers from my ultra sound... it was shortened to 15 minutes because she had the flu the week before and was double booked. I was scheduled for another ultrasound in Tuesday coming up! Hopefully something will show then and I get to meet with the dr after. Let me know what y’all think. I’m still terrified. This was Tuesday btw so I was 5 w 2 days then she said she seen what she expected to at that time but still. I didn’t get pictures or anything so it has me worried that something is wrong.