To supplement or not


My son is 4 months (18 weeks) and we just had his appointment yesterday. He's dropped in his percentiles (10% weight, 40% height) and I'm concerned he's not getting enough. He's been solely on breast milk thus far. I nurse him pretty much on demand during the day, and he gets a bottle of expressed milk before bed. The pediatrician said we could try cereals and some soft foods (sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado) to up his calories , but she didn't say anything about supplementing with formula. I've noticed a decrease in the amount of milk I get in my haaka and also I barely get 2oz from both breasts when I try to pump. We tried foods and he doesn't seem to really like them and I'm so worried that he's going to lose weight or I'm stunting his growth. I really don't want to introduce formula, but I feel like my milk supply is not keeping up :(