Losing Hope.😭


My milk supply is barely keeping up with baby. I pump every 2 hours though the day, I wake up 2 times every night and pump, I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast, I take brewers yeast supplements every day but nothing is helping. I drink so much water I should invest in a spring. I don’t know what to do anymore. I already give my son formula though the night, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have enough milk for him. I can’t nurse due to my son not being able to latch properly. He is a month old tomorrow and I want to be able to give him breastmilk until a year old but I feel like at my current rate I’ll be lucky to make it to 2 months. I’m only pumping 2-3oz at each pump session and I just feel like it’s never going to go up. What can I do? What could be causing this? I’m not even sure if I need help I think I just need to vent for a second. I spend so much time every day stressing myself that I can’t give my son one of the best things for him and it’s just driving me crazy.