Sneak peek results


My sneak peek result came in today as a boy. If it's correct this will be my 3rd and last boy. We were both really wanting a girl. I know it's silly but I'm really trying to not be upset.I'm grateful I get the opportunity to carry another baby no matter the gender. I love my boys so much and I know it will pass but I keep thinking about that mother daughter relationship I'll never get. I'm wishing I didn't do the test now and just waited for the anatomy scan. Can anyone else relate?

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Posted at
Well if it makes you feel better, my sneak peek said boy but it was actually a girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if you test is wrong too


Posted at
Depending on how long ago you had your last son, his DNA stays with you for years! Sneak Peek isn’t the type of genetic test that can decipher between OLD boy dna or NEW boy dna. Only the genetic testing your DR orders can tell the difference. Fingers crossed for you and getting that girl 🤞🏻


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From my understanding, it's very easy to cross contaminate, so it's a 50/50 if it says boy, but if it says girl, it's like 95/5.


Posted at
Same exact thing happened to me today. Got my Sneak Peek results in and it said boy and I already have 2. I was really hoping for a girl because my husband and boys really wanted a girl. But I’m trying to look on the bright side. Being a boy mom is awesome!


Posted at
I know how you feel, when I got pregnant with my 3rd baby I prayed for a boy, when it came back as girl (sneak peek) I waited until the anatomy scan hoping it was wrong. It was correct. Once she was born I completely forgot about the disappointment I felt throughout the pregnancy. I'm now pregnant again, my last pregnancy and once again hoping for a boy but I've accepted that its more than likely another girl. . . I just wanted that mother, son bond since all my girls are daddy's girls! Lol


Posted at
Yes I have two boys and I’m wanting a girl so bad, I also did sneak peek and it said boy... I have an ultrasound appointment in April to find out the gender because I heard of sneak peek having false boy results, secretly hoping mine was false. But I also don’t feel like I’m pregnant with another boy I feel like it’s a girl this time, because there’s such a huge difference from both my pregnancy’s with my boys. 🤷‍♀️ I could just be me being crazy.


Posted at
I completely understand the feelings you’re experiencing right now (currently have four boys) I too always wonder what that mother daughter relationship would be like and I still get sad about it at times. I love my boys so much and I wouldn’t change a thing but I think it’s completely normal to wonder what could have been. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
I’m wanting to do the sneak peek just so I know the gender NOW. However I have two girls and really would like a boy, so I’m holding back on if I want to find out. I totally understand!


Posted at
We have a boy already and really want a girl this time around. My entire family and his keep saying they think it’s another boy so now I’m convinced it’s a boy. My husband will be really sad if we get another boy. Of course we will love him but we really want a girl.