Y’all I’m so tired of Waiting

Elisa • Married 2ectopics, 1 ovary. First FET 2/13/19-BFN Second FET 4/3/19-BFP Boy/Girl Twins

Tonight I’m at work and I’m just thinking. I’m so sick of waiting. I waited for my cycle, waited to start stemming, waited for egg retrieval, waited for my embryo fertilization report, waited for CD1, waited for Transfer Day, The dreadful 2WW...only for my cycle to fail and here I am waiting again. And I’m wondering...do I need a damn hobby or something because the last 3 months of my life I’ve been waiting on something lol. If <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> teaches me nothing else, it has taught me patience.