Talk To Me Ladies!!!


Ok, so I'm supposed to be on to round 2 this cycle. I was pretty excited🙆‍♀️ because we are going all in and bringing out the good stuff(Gonal F, Endometryn, and trigger shot) though I'm not sure what to expect for side effects with those as I've heard they can be kind of brutal🤔but I also know they work. Nooow, for the last 9 days I have had Laryngitis which was no biggie until 2 days ago when things took a turn for the worst🤒. I think the doc may have misdiagnosed it as viral when it is bacterial, which would mean I need an antibiotic. I just don't want this to mess up my cucle😟. Add that AF apparently may have decided it's a good idea to start early, which I would normally be ecstatic about but had hope to be closer to better😥. Any advice?