To all the woman who are in an abusive relationship, whether its mentally, emotionally, or physically, and you keep on giving him another chance. Don’t listen to those people who are telling you that you’re dumb, stupid, and have no self worth. Because deep down, you know that you and him aren’t going to last. You know that he isn’t right for you. Nobody has to tell you that. What you need to hear is that it is completely normal for woman to get that attached to someone. It’s like you want to leave but you just can’t. But one day you will be able to and you won’t regret it. You won’t look back. It may take woman some time as we give chances after chances after chances but when you finally decide that you’re ready to just let go completely, you won’t regret it. Your life will be so much better. You’ll feel free. It’ll be like a giant weight lifted off of you. Not at first though. You’ll cry, maybe even be depressed. But when time goes by and you realize more and more how bad he was, you’re going to be okay. Just please stop being so hard on yourself for not being able to leave him just yet. There’s nothing wrong with you and you will be ready one day. I’m praying for all of you.