Hospital visitors Rant!


So my daughter was born Wed at 7:03 and we had a few family visitors bring us food and be our support, which was totally fine! So the next day my sister in law comes to visit and ends up bringing her two children 3 and 1yr old with her. So our room is small even without guests, we were spending time with my oldest daughter who’s 2 and letting her meet and greet her new sister. Well when they showed up my daughter wasn’t interested anymore because she had someone fun to play with! He ends up jumping all over my bed screaming and just being wild. Her one year old is eating crackers making a mess in the floor and trying to put her messy hands all over everything. I end up walking out in tears because I was so overwhelmed. I thought it was a well known thing to not bring other kids to visit a new baby?!

Sorry I just needed to rant because I just couldn’t handle all my emotions!