Last Cycle TTC

Laura • 👼

UPDATE - Thank you everyone, but unfortunately we lost our precious bundle last week at 6 1/2 weeks. We are devastated and have not decided if we will try again.


My husband and I have been trying to concieve for almost 2 years now. Initially I said December was my last time trying, but the decided to try for or 2 more months. This last month I did take Clomid.

I just received a belated birthday gift!!! Turned 44 on 2/19.

My husband is still sleeping, but this is how I'm telling him 😆

I still cant believe it!! I thought this month was going to turn out just like every other month. I pray for a healthy sticky bean and a pregnancy 🤰

There is hope for those TTC. Baby dust to you all 🌠

PS - I've had no symptoms that would indicate I was pregnant, so dont stress over every little symptom during the TWW 😊 My cousin was also the same and due later this year.