Date night!

Yaritsa • 33 years old Single Mom to Gianna Sophia Working on Bachelor’s Degree Living in Long Island City

I last night I went in a first date with a guy I’ve been talking to in person for almost a month. We had gone to the Bronx first to do errands and then we bought a bottle of liquor. Since I es boozed up, I started giving him signals to kiss me but I ended up making the first move. We went to the arcade. We played a few games I was sending him signals to kiss me and after a few drinks I ended up kissing him. He liked it and he told me that he hadn’t kissed a girl in two years. I looked at him lovingly and said “ just let yourself be loved.” He looked at me and said “ true” we looked at each other and kissed. I love his job because he works as a security guard in my building so I get to see him everyday!