Period/ pregnancy LADIES HELP HELPHELP

ms. Lovely

Since Feb 16th I been feeling bloated, crampy lower back pains and just this past Friday Feb 22 I checked myself into the ER. The doctor thought I'd had "pelvic inflammatory disease" but my culture came back NEGATIVE. I followed up with my doctor that Monday and I was tested for pregnancy by urine. She told me the pains I was feeling could of been Implatation cramping but it was too early to tell if I had hcg in my urine. My period isn't due until usually the first or second day of the beginning month and of course, February has only 28 days... This morning I woke up with the most extreme tender breast. That's the only symptom I get before my period starts and I ONLY get cramps on my second day of my period.... Think I'm pregnant?? Or maybe my hormones are changing and I'm just getting my period? My sense of smell has been so on point and my period are ALREADY regular... LADIES HELP!!!! because this waiting game is NO JOKE 😔


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