Scared To Test


my last monthly was 1/28 & lasted until 2/1 . my fiancé & I have been TTC since August 2018❤️ I have a head cold right now besides my running nose , coughing , sneezing etc . I’ve been having really bad headaches & really weird stomach cramps & pains as if I’m about to have my monthly but I’ve never missed in any month ever besides once in June of 2016. I guess I’m just stressed it’s been a lot going on & that’s why I haven’t had my monthly for February yet but we’re praying we’re pregnant & my niece told me that there’s a little girl in my tummy about 2 months ago 😍😂 I just took as she’s a kid & doesn’t know what she’s talking about but we’re praying we’re pregnant . what do y’all think ? *baby dust* 👶🏽