Chemical pregnancy advice please


So I am pretty certain I am having/had a chemical pregnancy, but not 100% because my doctor said there’s no need for an appointment cause it’s natural, but I have questions! So if anyone can help with the following I would really appreciate it -

Did you bleed before or after you had a negative pregnancy test?

What pains did you experience?

If you had pregnancy symptoms, how long did they take to go away?

Did your doctor offer/do blood tests to confirm?

To explain I have had a few faint positive pregnancy over the last week, sadly they were getting more faint and this morning on 3 different test brands I got all negatives. I always test with FMU, I am still feeling extremely nauseas and strong smell/tastes are still turning my stomach and getting dull cramps in my lower stomach.

I am very gutted, but so confused because I haven’t bled yet and someone has told me with a chemical you bleed first and then get the negative.