Holyyyyy crappppp!



So today I got upset over the dumbest thing ever and this morning I had a terrible headache that nothing could fix. So after lunch I was like well I guess I will just take a test and see. This was my 2nd month on Clomid 50mg and I honestly am not 100% sure when I ovulated because for the first time I didn’t temp, didn’t do opks. But I did do my progesterone levels at CD 21 and they were at 13.7. So I am guessing I ovulated on the 14th or 15th. I am still in shock. I had the cutest plan on how to tell my hubby and I couldn’t hold it in. But I gave him the gift anyway right after I walked into the living room with a completely shocked look on my face. I am so nervous I hope this little bean sticks!!!!!!! β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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Posted at
Congratulations!πŸŽ‰ Glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t hold it in!!!! 🀰🏻


Megan β€’ Mar 1, 2019
Oh and I really wished I’d thought of your β€œnew workout partner” to tell my husband, it’s brilliant! X


Megan β€’ Mar 1, 2019
Haha me too! I couldn’t believe it so ran downstairs with the test I’d just done asking if he could see it too! Had to retest this morning then get a digital today but still not sinking in!


Brittney β€’ Mar 1, 2019
And congrats to you as well!!!!


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Aweeee CONGRATS! I was on clomid and ferma for 5 months until I officially said f*%^^ it and stopped trying. Didn’t take any of my pills and just lost track of everything else and BAM the next month we got pregnant!!! I’m convinced now that once you stop trying thats when it happens πŸ€—


Adrianna β€’ Mar 6, 2019
Haha Thank youuu ❀️


Brittney β€’ Mar 6, 2019
Yes! Lol this was the only month I didn’t track anything!!! Lol congrats to you!!!


Posted at
Congrats!! I also just found out last week (1 month clomid 50mg) 😍


Brittney β€’ Mar 5, 2019
Yayyy congrats!!!!! So exciting but nerve racking at the same time!


Rimsha β€’ Mar 5, 2019
Congratulations πŸŽ‰ i am so worried me also first round


Posted at
Congratulations πŸŽ‰β£οΈπŸ‘ Best of luck to you! Best wishes your way! You'll be in my prayers πŸ™β€οΈ good luck. Relax and enjoy this experience and enjoy this time while and throughout/during your pregnancy!!!


Brittney β€’ Mar 2, 2019
Thank you so much I really appreciate your kind words!!!!! ☺️


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Posted at
Congrats mom


Brittney β€’ Mar 8, 2019
Thank you!!


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Congratulations πŸŽŠπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰


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Congrats!! What CD did you test? I am on my 2nd round of clomid and just had my 21 day progesterone check and it was 20! I’m trying to wait til CD 30 to test but struggling haha


Kaleigh β€’ Mar 6, 2019
Oh my gosh congrats! I’m on CD24 today and it’s so hard not testing!! My birthday is on Monday which will be CD30 so I’m going to test then!!!


Brittney β€’ Mar 6, 2019
It was CD 28! I wanted to wait until CD 30 since my last cycle was 32 days, but I had a headache that made me want to puke and I had some emotional breakdowns that made me very concerned that this was finally it πŸ˜‚ so i tester and bam! It showed up immediately lol That is super exciting for you though! I always got excited just knowing Clomid was doing its job in making me ovulate!


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