TTC lesbian PREGNANT (tips that could work for anyone)


Hello everyone.

You may or may not remember me, it’s been a while since I’ve last posted. My wife and I are a lesbian couple who have tried to conceive for 3 years.

Here’s our picture! 🥰

My wife, the red head on the left of the picture was the one trying to get pregnant. We tried so many ways.

Home insemination. We used syringes, we used soft cups.

<a href="">IUI</a>.

<a href="">IVF</a>.

Nothing worked for her, unfortunately ☹️

My wife sadly has poor egg quality and closed Fallopian tubes. So, even if my wife was straight and wanted to get pregnant naturally, she couldn’t.

After all this money spent and tears shed, I finally told my wife I would try to get pregnant. I’ve never really wanted to carry my own child so it was never an option before but I’d do anything for my wife to be able to have a child, even if that means doing it myself so here we are...

I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant. I’m officially out of my first trimester and we will find out in a couple weeks if we are expecting a sweet baby girl or a handsome baby boy.

I just wanted to give you ladies some tips on trying because just having sex may not work for everyone so I wanted to tell everyone how exactly Morgan and I conceived our child.

1. <a href="">Tracking ovulation</a> (duh I’m sure everyone on this app already does this)

2. Get a soft cup (it’s supposed to be used for your menstrual cycle but I used it to collect sperm and KEEP it inside me for 12 hours a day)

3. On my three most high days, we collected a donation of sperm inside these soft cups and my wife placed it inside me, as pictured here:

You have to push it up and around your cervix.

4. I orgasmed whenever I first got it in there and then I just went about my day. At the end of every day I did it, I would take it out and usually ALL of the sperm would be gone.

I know it seems crazy, but I honestly think it helped and I believe it could help you ladies out here trying!! Anything is worth bringing a child into this world and it worked for me!!

-Soft cups are off brand diva cups and A LOT cheaper.

Let me know if you’ve guys tried something like this or if it’s worked for you like it did us!