My baby is back to being transverse at 35+2 should I worry ladies now??!!!!


So today was our growth scan and after our BABYGIRL finally turning head down last week(she's been transverse this entire time) she flipped back sideways and I'm 35+2. Fluid is great and BABYGIRL is 41percentile, estimated wright close to 5-51/2 pounds. I see my gyn Tuesday and he had said if she was still transverse he would like to turn her ( I'm soooooooo scared to do that) . Can she turn at this point on her own, has Anyones baby turned at 35 plus weeks on their own??!!!! I honestly don't want him to try bcuz what if he breaks my water by accident that would mean I have her weeks early and I want her to cook as long as possible BUT I REALLLLLLYY A, TERRIFIED OF A CSECTION. Any advice would be sooooo welcomed ladies.