Getting to know my body💕

Megan • Married 10.20.18 💍 Mama to my Lucy🌈💗

My husband and I have been TTC for 2 months so far. Although we haven’t conceived yet, I really love getting to know my body. Before TTC I didn’t know that different types of CM happened in different phases of your cycle. I didn’t even know what the different phases were. I didn’t know you could feel your own cervix or even the fact that it feels different and moves higher and lower during and after ovulation. I didn’t know I would have different symptoms during ovulation than I do just before my period. I didn’t know that eating healthier can improve fertility.

There is a lot I didn’t know about my body until we started TTC and I’m actually falling in love with learning all these things that the female body can do. 💗 Women are pretty amazing!