New For Me 🤔


Ovulated on Feb 18th after taking my first round of 50mg of clomid. I’ve been having mild cramping since 2dpo and I am currently 11 dpo. I’ve never had cramping this long before af. I tested yesterday early morning at around 3am because I woke up in the middle of the night and got anxious but it was a BFN. I didn’t test this morning. I feel nervous about testing lol. I’ve been TTC for 3 years I don’t usually like to jump the gun and symptom spot.

So my question is- is cramping like this normal? Could it be an early Pregnancy symptom? I don’t usually cramp until AF comes.

I also have,

-suuuper sore boobs and painful and itchy nipples.



I’ll probably test once I actually miss my period which is due on March 3rd.