The obstacles never stop when you’re TTC...

Jessica • 24, 💍 08/06/16, TTC baby #1

So I started my journey with fertility testing on January 30th. On that day I had a ton of blood work done. The next day I got the results on the online portal letting me know that I am apparently not immune to the chicken pox despite having gotten the varicella vaccine.

I have been to my doctor’s office 3 times since then, and this result was never discussed. I assumed it would be brought up at our follow up on March 20th, I would get the boosters (my sister is also not immune and had the boosters a few years ago) and go on my merry baby-making way.

Well today I got a phone call (about a month after the test results came back) from my nurse telling me I need to call my primary care doctor to schedule the boosters. It’s a set of 2 and they need to be done 30 days apart. Then she tells me that it’s imperative that we use contraceptive and not get pregnant during those 30 days.

So here I am, due for AF on Sunday (and I can tell she’s coming, per usual), and I’m told that I can’t even try to get pregnant until April! I’m just so frustrated. Why didn’t they tell me this on January 31st?! I would’ve rather taken this month off during the rest of my testing (HSG, endometrial biopsy, etc.) than find out we can’t even continue to try naturally until April.

I feel like my body is failing me over and over and it’s so heartbreaking.