CD 34 and still no AF

Mimi • Mrs & Mama 4/25/18 👶🏼💖 • Due November with #2 👶🏼💙

So as you can see, I’m on cycle day 34 and still no AF. I think I ovulated on the 15th(not super dark, but seemed as dark as the control) but then I also tested on the 28th and it was for sure positive. Yesterday ⬇️

I’ve had TONS of cm(sorry if tmi) it’s all watery/eggwhite/occasionally creamy. SUPER HUNGRY and I’ve been super bloated and crampy today. Could it just be ovulation cramps? This late in the cycle?? Also I’ve been pretty emotional the last few days.

After all of this, my home tests still come up negative. Do all of these symptoms seem promising? Should I go in for bloodwork? Or just wait another week or so to test? It’s killing meeee 😱