Journey comes to an end


This is the last breastfeeding photo I have of with my little lovie. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was also the last time I would nurse him. My supply was pretty much non existent at this point and because of that getting him to latch was always a fight. My son is now one years old (9 months in pic) and is unbelievably happy and healthy but I still guilted my self everyday about having to give him formula. Breastmilk really is amazing but so is formula. Breastmilk is so good for little babies but so is formula. Breastmilk is best but so is formula. Without formula my LO would go hungry and wouldn’t be able to thrive like he is. So to all the mamas who are supplementing or end up formula feeding, YOU’RE AMAZING FOR DOING WHATS BEST FOR YOUR LO 💕