Could these be signs?


Did any of you experience this before your bfp?

I am 8dpo, about 6 days before my period, and today I’m lightheaded when I stand up, some sort of dizziness when I’m just sitting, seems like I’m short of breath easily, and am SUPER easily annoyed by my SO for doing normal every day things. Actually, I’m not just annoyed by him—but by everything. Really on edge. Had some weird pelvic feelings/pains. Also very tired the past couple days. Not sure what to make of it. I just overall feel weird. I know it’s not in my head because my husband even said I sound out of breath and he’s never said that to me before, and I haven’t mentioned any of these “symptoms” to him, nor does he know it could be a sign.

I know none of you can tell me if I’m pregnant, but we’re any of these signs for you?

My first sign when I was pregnant last time was super rosy cheeks. Was later on than this I believe though.