Vbac after 2 c-section & stillbirth. HELP!!


Hi ladies ! So just a quick back story , I have had 2 c sections one in 2010 and one in 2014 , I never thought I would ever want to do a vaginal birth , I thought c section was very easy for me and the healing process wasn’t bad at all ( everyone is different ) well in November I was pregnant with my 3rd baby when I suddenly went into labor at 22w3d . When I got to the hospital I was told my son was already so far down the birth canal that if I wanted to I could just do a vaginal birth , I ended up doing it completely natural no epidural or anything & now I’m 4 weeks along with my rainbow baby. After being in labor for 16 hours and doing it natural I am so much more open to having a VBAC and I guess what I’m trying to get at is have any of you ladies had. Successful VBAC after 2 or more c sections . My ob said he usually doesn’t let his patients do it after more than one c section but we could revisit the topic when I’m Father along. This is something I really really would like to do now that I have done it . Obviously I know that it will be a lot different with a full term baby but I am up for the challenge. Thank you in advance ladies !!