Need advice/help/peace of mind..#alltheabove❤️


Hello ladies, here’s long story short...

My hubs and I are currently TTC. We had sex during my fertile window & the day of/after the opk said I was ovulating, and a couple days after my fertile window.

A little backstory on me, myself and I. I’ve had consistent periods, like clockwork. I’ve never missed a period, ever. I recently had bloodwork testing for my hormones and all came back within normal ranges. I reiterate...I’ve never missed a period.

I was supposed to start this past Monday, still no period, I’m 5 days late. Here are my current symptoms:

-obvious, missed period

- A little more tired than usual

-Swollen render breasts (like PMS)

-Random waves of nausea that go away if I eat something (doesn’t happen often though)

-TMI...a TON of thick, creamy white discharge (no clump or smells), literally never had this before

-emotional (like PMS)

-random short lived headaches

-slight cramping, and feeling bloated/abdominal pressure

I’ve taken the HCG tests that came with the opk kits the past couple days to check, and the 3 I’ve take have been negative.

Do y’all think I could be pregnant? any advice? Thank y’all SOOO much❤️

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