Extend 3rd PPP

I’m almost 9.5 months pp (unplanned c section) breast fed for 3 weeks and didn’t get my first period until 5 months pp. It was heavy and lasted 7 days. Next came 33 days later and was not quite as heavy but a full period of 7 days. Then my third period didn’t show up until 66 days. I had a full heavy period (similar to 1st ppp) and then it went away for half a day, spotted for two days, then came back fully with cramps for 3 days and now has gone back to spotting. It’s been over two weeks now. I’m getting blood work done and they are sending me for a pelvic ultrasound.

Has anyone been in this situation before or have any idea of what it could be? Or is it just irregular hormones? I know I’ll get answers soon... hoping to hear from anyone who has gone through something similar (we want to get pregnant again in a few months but I’m worried since I haven’t had a regular period). TIA