Useful information about fertile cervical fluid

Hey ladies sorry I hate the word discharge but this is good to know around ovulation I was getting watery fluid that would run down my legs if I was naked not the egg white fluid I was looking for and then I found this information! For anyone in same situation it’s a good thing 🖤

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Posted at
Omg! Gurl ur a savior! Am 30, TTC for first baby, I have been freaking out about this.. erbody talking about egg white discharge, when am out here having watery clear discharge when it’s supposed to be my ovulation day! This has just calmed me down. Thankyou


mercy • Mar 3, 2019
Good feedback there. Thanks


B • Mar 3, 2019
Me tooo I was like what is happening then i saw this and felt really good about it I’m 32 trying to convince second baby I have an 11 month old right now ! Good luck mama x


Posted at
I never get egg-white mines is always watery and I have 4 children and trying for #5 gl all