Call me f’n crazy...

I feel like idk what I’m doing! Normal mom feeling, I get it. It has only been 5 months too. But I want to set up good habits. My daughter is EBF & she eats 2-3 times throughout the night 😩. I don’t mind, really, as i would still have to get up to pump anyway, I have a bit of an oversupply. But I don’t know how to break the cycle.

She nurses to sleep & I’ve always held her for naps. Sometimes I put her down but she wakes up right away & I feel like a horrible mom because she didn’t get the sleep her body needed. Hence me holding her! (Also, I love my baby snuggles) How do you moms do it..

CIO isn’t an option for me. I also want to get her to sleep in her cradle which is beside my bed. But EVERY night 40-50 min after she’s fallen asleep she stirs, and she will rub her face until she wakes up. So i wake to keep her hands down, or to turn her into her side and that keeps her asleep. I won’t hear her if she’s in a cradle though . Ugh. I’m torn.

I feel like I’m missing something on getting her to self soothe instead of nursing. Or how to stay asleep. She doesn’t take a soother, she loves to comfort nurse, as do I, but like I said I want good habits to start. She hates a swaddle, even those swaddles with the arms up but they can’t reach their face.

I feel like I need a step by step manual on how to do it. 😢 I feel my family and others judge me when I go to bed with her because she’ll wake up and take forever to sleep and just be cranky. I’m tired, I’m anxious, I love everything about our routines, but I just don’t want to have any major habits that will just be harder to break.

Any moms do these things and they ended up learning eventually. ANY help or reassurance. Pls 😭😭