10 weeks post d&c brown blood

Indira • Mommy to an amazing 13 year old boy. 👼🏾 12/21/18. TTC our 🌈

Unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage in December 2018. We had the d&c on the 21 of December. I bleed for about a week.

I’ve checked my levels and consistently they have gone down.

A week after d&c I was at 2000.

We have had unprotected sex but I’ve still have yet to have a period and it’s been 10 weeks post d&c.

Two weeks ago hcg was at 67.

Two days ago I started cramping and have had brown blood when wiping.

Nauseous and crampy.

We blood test again next week but I have no idea what’s going on with my body. Is it a new pregnancy or old blood?

Has this happened to anyone?