We’ve been trying for 5 years. How can we raise my husbands sperm count?

This may be in the wrong place but maybe men can help us out!

We’ve been having unprotected sex for 5 years. I’ve taken ovulations tests and I know I’m ovulating. I’ve been to the doctor and told nothing is wrong with me and they sent home an order for my husband to have a sperm analysis back in July 2016. He never went. Life got in the way and we decided starting a family was meant for later on.

I’m 25 and he’s 31 now so I know low testosterone is a possibility. Also he has epilepsy which he uses medical marijuana to treat. I know this lowers sperm count significantly but he can’t not partake for his health.

So how can we boost his sperm count without causing him shame? He blames himself already and they haven’t even done any tests.