
Ok so my period just ended like 4 days ago and I just started gushing blood down there but it’s like a sticky lighter red colored blood. And when I say gushed I mean like poured out of me to the point my bathroom looks like a murder scene

It gushed for about a minute and a half and then just stopped like it never happened

I have no idea what it is.

What is happening and why?

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Periods just suck sometimes. I don’t know how old you are, but I started my period when I was 14. That first year was ridiculous. I would have a heavy flow for six days, spot very lightly for three, and then BAM freaking drain like a mofo for a little bit. Not fun AT ALL!But I wouldn’t worry about it, girl! You’re fine! 🤗
Periods just suck sometimes. I don’t know how old you are, but I started my period when I was 14. That first year was ridiculous. I would have a heavy flow for six days, spot very lightly for three, and then BAM freaking drain like a mofo for a little bit. Not fun AT ALL!But I wouldn’t worry about it, girl! You’re fine! 🤗