Birth Story February 28th


I thought I would share my birth story because I know it helps me to see others going through what I went through. I went to see my OB at 39+6 on February 26th and my blood pressure was high. It had periodically gotten mildly high over my pregnancy, but never this high. My OB sent me to L&D to get blood work and have my BP monitored. I get there and get checked in and my blood pressure had skyrocketed. They admit me with plans to induce. My cervix was totally closed, I had only 50% effaced, and baby was at a -3 station. I was a terrible induction candidate. They do cervix ripening drugs over night and by morning I’m only dilated to a 2 and still only 50% effaced with baby in the same station. They keep adding more meds over the day and I finally get to a 4 and they start pitocin. I only got to a 7 on pitocin and then stalled as baby’s station has never changed. My doctor comes in and tells me she believes the baby is too big to pass through my pelvis. I end up taking my doctor’s recommendation and having a cesarean on February 28. My labor and delivery did not at all go how I pictured it, but I am thankful for a healthy baby and that once I recover I will be ok as well.

Here’s my sweet boy ❤️