My babies have finally arrived! Wow!

Aly • One Daughter O8.O2.17👩‍👧 Expecting TWO miracles 2O19 👨‍👩‍👧🤗👶👶

March 3rd, we were blessed! 👶👶

Jaxton David 3:25am 5lbs 2ounces💙

Bailee Rae 3:32am 5lbs 10ounces💗

Both babies spent their beginning in the NICU but as of right now they’re both in our room snuggling away! We were able to do both vaginal deliveries and Baby B ended up needing a breech extraction. We delivered at 36 & 5 due to showing preeclampsia signs!

So excited to finally become a MoM ♥️

(Mom of Multiples)