My prayers have been answered!!


I just took a first response digital and it had the most beautiful words YES+ on it. My heart is overflowing with joy right now and I needed to share with someone. My husband is working right now and it is so hard for me not to tell him when he comes home in a little while to get his keys he forgot. But I really want to tell him and not keep it a secret. I am torn. I ordered a onsie the other day to surprise him with but it hasn't even shipped yet so now I need to come up with another plan. Oh man I should of waited to test. Calling my ob in the morning to have it all confirmed. Please send lots of prayers our way. I will be considered a high risk pregnancy due to having a factor V Leiden but I know God will protect my baby and me and we will have a healthy pregnancy. Sending lots of baby dust to all of your sweet ladies who are praying for a positive.