Extremely heavy periods after miscarriage?


Not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but I had a miscarriage on November 28th and since then I've had 3 periods and they've been heavier than I've ever experienced my entire life. I'm 23, my periods weren't necessarily the lightest, but since my MC I can fill up the most super duty tampon in an hour, it's so bad I have to wear pretty much a diaper pad on my underwear because it'll just leak completely through the tampon. And it stays heavy for a good 4-5 days, then finally starts getting light enough for me to just use a tampon for another 3 days or until it stops. I can definitely tell the blood loss is a lot more because I feel very tired and weak the first few days, and have almost no appetite. Which are symptoms I've never experienced before. Should I be concerned? I think tomorrow I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor but just wondering if any other ladies went through something similar.