Pleaseeee help!

I am just a mess, worrying myself about everything. If you have a few min, please read and let me know whatcha think!

I had miscarriage last October and it has literally terrified me that it will happen again. I conceived February 15th on CD 24. I ovulated LATE and I think it was because I had the flu, or at least something very close to the flu when I normally ovulate. I’m so scared this has put me at a high risk for miscarriage.

I’m technically 4 weeks and 3 days today and my lack of symptoms (no sore boobs, no sickness) has me even more worried. I know sickness with my daughter didn’t start til about 7 weeks but I can’t remember when I got sore boobs. All I know is at some point in the first trimester they were sore. I’ve had cramps come and go and I have had this sharp pain LOW in my abdomen that comes it goes. Sex can sometimes be a little painful, more of a discomfort than actual pain. So.. am I just worrying too much? Or are all of these factors really something to worry about?

I go see my doctor tomorrow and can hardly wait but I’d truly appreciate your input especially anyone who went through something similar! Thanks so much!