Fell this weekend 😩😩


I fell Saturday evening & i think i kinda hit my stomach & ive been cramping some since then but no spotting or bleeding at all. The ob is letting me come in for an ultrasound tomorrow which makes me feel 1000% better. I feel bad being excited to see my baby but I’m also worried too. I just feel guilty that I’m excited to see it since the only reason I’m getting to is bc i fell. I’ll be 12 weeks 1 day tomorrow. My ob doesn’t do ultrasounds until 20 weeks (besides the first dating scan) unless something is wrong, so I’m just thankful that they even decided to let me come in. I’ve heard baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler so i think baby is fine but i just want to make sure😩 the cramps I’ve been feeling are different than normal but i usually cramp at the beginning of each week anyways so it could be a coincidence too. Just praying my baby is hanging on tight in there 🤞🏻❤️